Monday, December 5, 2016

25 Gift Ideas for Guinea Pigs and Their Human Owners

FTC disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.

People have loved getting gifts for my guinea pigs over the years.  Unfortunately, not all of the items marketed for guinea pigs are healthy or safe.  Please don't get balls they can run around in -- those aren't for guinea pigs because it could hurt their backs.  Most store bought treats either have seeds (which I have had to extract from teeth and have gotten bit) or are high in sugar.   Here are some things that guinea pigs and their owners would actually like and appreciate.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Well Stocked Guinea Pig Care and First Aid Kit

This post contains affiliate links.  I am not responsible for the outcome of using this advice, it is things that have worked for me, so use at your own risk.

This is a list of items I keep on hand at all times.  Some aren't really first aid items, but health and grooming, but these are all things I believe guinea pig owners should have in their cupboards!  Guinea pigs don't show they are ill until they are very sick, and having the first aid items at home can prevent a midnight run to the store -- and hopefully bring relief to your little one.  This is NOT to replace going to the vet, many times you will need to go to the vet for antibiotics, but this is to help see you through until you can get to the vet -- or to supplement what the vet is doing.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Guinea Pig Book Review: Hamster and Cheese

FTC disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links.

Hamster and Cheese (Guinea Pig, Pet Shop Private Eye)  is a 46 page comic / graphic novel for kids featuring a guinea pig named Sasspants.  He lives in a pet shop, and the "G" on his sign of "Guinea Pig" fell off, so a hamster named Hamisher thinks Sasspants is a private investigator.  There is a mystery a foot -- daily Mr. Venezi, the owner of the shop, sets his sandwich down, and before lunch it is gone.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why you shouldn't Allow a guinea pig to go swimming

FTC disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.

I've seen the videos.   I have been tagged in a number of videos of swimming guinea pigs.  But I hate these videos.  Why?

It's not safe, and it's likely frightening the poor little guys who are placed in a pool of water.  They might *look* like they are swimming, but they are frantically trying to keep from drowning.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Why You should find a Guinea Pig Vet BEFORE you need one

Einstein wasn't feeling well here!
Over the years, I have had a number of guinea pigs.  I got Tilly when I was eight, and I'm now 29 again for the *mumble* time.

Guinea pigs are much like any other pet that they may need to see a vet.  Unfortunately, it is the rare vet that is actually trained in guinea pig care.  Some medicines are toxic to guinea pigs that are normally prescribed for other animals, so it is always good to know what medicines a guinea pig CAN take before you go to the vet.  In fact, when I was taking my pigs to a person without much training in the way of small animals, I kept a veterinary textbook in my purse about how to treat rabbits and other small animals.  It was a very expensive book, and I've since sold it because I realize how important it is for a guinea pig to be seen by a vet who already has experience with small animals and not looking up information on the spot.